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Network / Become a member

Join & strengthen Lusatia as the energy region of the future.

Membership form for small and medium-sized enterprises in the energy sector or an associated industry in Lusatia

Eine Gruppe von bunten Holzfiguren steht auf Klötzen
Our statutes
  • We actively support Lusatia in the transformation process towards renewable energies and a sustainable economy. Our focus is on promoting SMEs and other regional companies through targeted training and qualification programmes. In doing so, we develop qualification opportunities in new technologies such as electricity and heat generation, energy transmission and storage. Our aim is to contribute to economic stability and create new jobs in the region.

  • Through close cooperation within the association, we pool our resources and expertise to develop customised qualification programmes. Together, we rely on synergies to strengthen the skills of our member companies' employees and prepare them optimally for the challenges of the energy transition. This is achieved through needs- and target-group-orientated training programmes that are tailored to the changing requirements of the regional economy in the face of structural change.

  • Each member of the network provides a liaison person who acts as a central contact and coordinator. These liaisons ensure a smooth flow of information and the implementation of joint training programmes. They play a key role in identifying training needs and developing new programmes by promoting professional exchange and cooperation between members.

  • Our collaboration within the association is continuously being developed and intensified. We strengthen cooperation between members through regular meetings, workshops and exchanges of experience. This close co-operation enables us to react flexibly to new requirements and develop innovative solutions. In doing so, we always focus on the current and future needs of the regional economy.

  • We systematically record the training needs of our members and coordinate these with existing training programmes. This enables us to create a comprehensive and needs-based training programme that covers both current and future requirements. Our bundling makes it possible to use resources efficiently and maximise the quality of the training measures. In this way, we contribute to the development and retention of skilled labour in Lusatia.

  • The qualification programmes are carried out in close cooperation between the members. We open up our own training programmes to the other members of the association in order to ensure a broad and varied training programme. This joint implementation promotes the transfer of knowledge and networking within the association.

  • Our association is open to other interested companies and institutions. New members who share our goals and values are very welcome. By expanding the association, we can further expand our resources and expertise to support Lusatia even more effectively and achieve our common goals. This will help to further promote the region's transformation process towards renewable energies and a sustainable economy.

Application for membership

We hereby apply for admission to the Qualification Network for Renewable Energies in Lusatia (QLEE).

1. Master data collection
2. Communication